Do Potatoes Need Full Sun or Shade Sunlight to Grow? Sun Requirements
Like many plants, potatoes need sunlight for their growth. Not every farm or yard is blessed with full sunlight all year long. It depends on many factors like zone location, latitude, and surrounding trees.
Do potatoes need full sun or shaded sunlight to grow? What is the best condition to grow potatoes? Areas with direct sunlight or those with some shade?
Potatoes need full sun to grow, but they can also tolerate partial shade. To grow potatoes successfully, you must provide them with the proper soil, water, and balance of sunlight. Too much or insufficient sunlight is not good for potatoes to grow.
If you’re dreaming of a backyard potato bonanza, join me. We’ll uncover the secrets of seed success. We’ll balance sunlight and shade for a harvest to make your taste buds dance. Get ready to grow with the flow—potato style!
Types Of Sunlight for Plants Growth

Plants need a certain amount of sunlight to grow, among other things. This is important for them to do photosynthesis. Two basic sunlight conditions define the daily sunlight: full sun and partial shade. This sunlight is vital for plants’ energy during the planting season.
Full Sunlight
There must be at least 6 hours of direct sunlight each day in a full sunlight area. This usually happens between the hours of 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. But those six hours are for general areas. In northern areas, plants needing direct sun must get 8 hours of sunshine daily. The sunlight is weaker there.
Partial Shade Sunlight
Both terms, partial shade and partial sun, apply to places that get 3-6 hours of direct sunlight per day. Partial sun locations receive direct sunshine (typically near midday) but will be shaded for the remainder of the day.
Partially shaded areas are either substantially shaded for part of the day or get filtered or dappled sunlight throughout the day. There are some areas where sunlight is filtered by the leaves of trees prior to actually reaching the plant; this is called refraction.
Do Potatoes Need Full Sun or Shade Sunlight to Grow?
Most potato plants want at least 6 to 8 hours of direct sunshine a day. Photosynthesis is required for the potato leaves to supply nutrients to the root and produce the tubers.
Potatoes mature over several months. You may not get constant sunlight, during which time the direction and intensity of the sun fluctuate.
Since sunlight varies during the growing season, find the best spot in your garden. It should provide continuous sun during this time.
Do Potatoes Grow Better In Direct Sunlight Or Shade?

Growing potatoes can feel like an art form, a blend of patience, planning, and a bit of luck with the weather. If you’re dreaming of those golden, earthy treasures popping out of the ground, one of the most important factors you need to consider is sunlight. It’s the lifeblood of the potato plant—well, at least for the leaves. Let’s dig into whether potatoes thrive in the full sun or if they can make do in the shade.
Sunlight for Leaves, Shade for Tubers
Potatoes, like most plants, rely on sunlight for photosynthesis, but here’s the kicker: their needs are a little different depending on which part of the plant we’re talking about. The upper leaves? They’re all about soaking up the sun. In fact, for the leaves to thrive, your potatoes need at least 6 hours of direct sunlight each day. This sunlight fuels the plants to produce the nutrients that the roots need. Without enough light, you’ll see smaller, weaker plants, and that’s a surefire way to stunt your harvest.
However, when it comes to the tubers—the edible part you’re growing them for—they actually prefer a bit of shade. The cooler, more protected environment allows them to grow in peace without getting too much sunlight, which can turn them green (and make them bitter!). So, while the leaves need sun, the tubers thrive in the shade. It’s like the leaves get the spotlight, and the tubers enjoy a cozy backstage area.
Full Sun: Bigger Tubers, Bigger Yield
If you’re in a region with plenty of sunshine and you’ve got an open, sunny space in your garden, planting potatoes in full sun is the way to go. Full sun promotes bigger, healthier plants with larger, more plentiful tubers. When potatoes grow in direct sunlight, they can really stretch their roots and soak in all the nutrients they need to form those prize-worthy spuds. The secret is in the balance: enough sunlight for those strong, photosynthesizing leaves, and just enough shade for the growing tubers. The full sun means you’ll get the most out of your potato crop, but it’s not the only way to grow them.
Shaded Spaces: A Low-Key Potato Patch
Not every garden is a sun-soaked paradise, and that’s okay! If your plot gets only partial sun, don’t worry. Potatoes can still grow in shaded areas, though they may not give you the same bountiful harvest as they would in full sun. Partial shade—where your potatoes get a few hours of sunlight mixed with a little protection from taller plants or trees—is perfectly fine for growing potatoes. Just know that if you’re after a hefty harvest, these plants may need a little extra attention, and you may end up with fewer, smaller tubers.
Keep Your Potatoes in the Spotlight
The key to a successful potato harvest is ensuring that the upper leaves stay exposed to sunlight. If you’re “hilling” your potatoes—creating mounds of soil around the base of your plants to encourage tuber growth—be careful not to cover the leaves. Leaving the tops exposed ensures that they get the sunlight they need for photosynthesis. If you mound up too much soil around the base and cover the leaves, you’ll block the sunlight, and your plants will suffer. The more sun the leaves get, the more nutrients they’ll produce, leading to healthier tubers.
As your potatoes grow throughout the season, continue to mound up the soil as needed, but always leave the leaves exposed. It’s like building a little fortress around the tubers to protect them from the heat of the sun while giving the leaves a chance to catch every sunbeam.
How Much Sunlight Potatoes Need?
In normal conditions, potatoes need a minimum of six hours of direct sunlight every day. As a cool-season crop, they should be planted when the soil is 40°F. Potatoes grow best where summer temperatures are 65 to 70°F. They can also grow in hotter areas. That is the ideal condition for how much sunlight potatoes need.
Potatoes also need soil that retains their dampness. Mulching helps the soil retain moisture. It also protects the potatoes from the sun. Mulching with topsoil will prevent potatoes from turning greenish, which is known as solanine.
There are obvious benefits to cultivating potatoes in full sunlight. Full sunlight helps to stimulate optimum growth, which will in turn help to promote the growth of the roots.
Potatoes can grow in partial shade, but the abundant top foliage is what nourishes the tubers underground. The more sunlight there is, the better for them to grow. If the tubers grow towards the surface, they must be shaded from the sun, or else they will turn green.
How To Tell If Potatoes Are Getting Too Much Sunlight
It’s crucial for you, as a gardener, to notice problems before they harm your crop. Too much sunshine for your potatoes is not good. It can harm them as they age.
Here are the most common signs that too much sun is harming your potatoes:
- Leaves that turn a pale green color
- Leaves that wilt and eventually dry
- Tubers turn slimy and brown.
- Tuber formation and development are limited.
- Tubers color turn greenish.
Potato plant leaves that darken, wilt, or dry up indicate that they have been exposed to too much harsh sunlight. Damage to the leaves inhibits the plant’s ability to transmit nutrients, allowing tubers to grow. Tubers that do form may be mushy or wet to the touch and brownish in color.
When you see these signs, act quickly to save your crops. Protect your plants from the hottest noon sun by spreading a shade cloth over corpses until the intense sunshine passes. You should make sure to keep the soil moist to avoid high soil temperatures.
Green tubers are sure evidence of solar damage. Any light, even from grocery store or house lights, on a tuber can release solanine. This toxin makes the potato taste bitter and can make you sick. If ingested in large enough quantities, solanine can be lethal.
The simplest way to prevent green potatoes is to “hill” them. That means mounding soil over any spot where tubers could grow.
After planting, build up a hill around the base, adding more as the plants begin to flower. While the tubers are mature, hill them again to provide a safe barrier between both the sun and the root, preventing green spots from forming.
Can Potatoes Grow In Shade or Without Sunlight?
Most potatoes can grow without a full eight hours of daily sun, but the absolute minimum amount of daylight for potatoes is six hours per day.
So while potatoes do, in ideal conditions, need full sunlight to grow properly, potatoes can still grow in partial shade sunlight area. It’s an area that is shady but still bright. It could be shaded for part of the day and sunny for the rest, or it could receive filtered sunlight.
Potatoes Planting Requirements: Spacing and Depth
Spacing is crucial when planting potatoes because they are big feeders. They should not be competing for water and nutrients with other plants. You should plant potatoes as close as 12 inches apart in highly rich soil. If your topsoil is less fertile, you should plan to give them space from 14 to 18 inches apart.
They need to be hilled at least twice. So, plant them 12 inches deep and cover them with four inches of soil.
Read: Best Soil Conditions and pH Level for Planting Potatoes
Potatoes Planting Requirements: Temperature
Temperatures have an impact on the entire potato growing process. As an example:
- Potatoes will not start growing until the soil temperature exceeds 45°F (7°C).
- Before planting, potatoes are frequently sprouted (chitted); temperatures ranging from 60 to 70°F (21 to 16°C) are ideal.
- Temperatures between 45 and 80°F (7 and 27°C) are ideal for potato growth and flowering.
Potatoes Planting Requirements: Sprouting
Potatoes can grow naturally without sprouting. However, sprouting potatoes has benefits over not sprouting them. To begin with, you may rest assured that each and every potato you plant has proven its ability to grow.
This is especially crucial if you have limited space and are experimenting with an expensive new kind. Second, in cold climates, sprouting can give you a head start on the season. You better start your sprouts in a warm place a few weeks ahead of planting time.
Potatoes Planting Requirements: Size and Eyes
You can either plant entire little potatoes or cut up larger potatoes into a few pieces. The chunks should be around 2 or 3 inches in size when sliced up. Potatoes that have been cut should be dried in a warm place for a few days before they are put in the ground.
To ensure a good harvest, each potato must have 2 healthy eyes with shoots. You should aim for a minimum of two eyes, as not all eyes will produce sprouts.
FAQs on Potato Cultivation Sunlight Requirements
Question: What happens if potatoes don’t get enough sunlight?
Answer: Insufficient sunlight can hinder potato growth and result in smaller yields. Adequate sunlight is crucial for the development of healthy potato plants.
Question: Are there potato varieties that need less sunlight?
Answer: Yes, some potato varieties are more shade-tolerant than others. If you have a partially shaded garden, choose varieties known for their adaptability to varying light conditions.
FAQ: What are the ideal light conditions for potato plants?
Potato plants thrive in well-lit places. They need 6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily. Adequate sunlight is crucial for their photosynthesis process and overall growth.
FAQ: How does sun exposure affect potato crops?
Answer: Sun exposure directly impacts potato yields. Ample sunlight supports robust growth. Too little can reduce yields and productivity in potato plants.
FAQ: Are there specific sunlight needs for different stages of potato cultivation?
Answer: Yes, during early growth, potatoes benefit from full sun. As they develop tubers, maintaining consistent sunlight is crucial for a successful harvest.
FAQ: What can I do if my garden doesn’t receive enough sunlight for potatoes?
If your garden gets little sun, plant potatoes in movable containers. You can then move them to sunnier spots. Also, choose potato varieties that adapt to your region’s light.