tamarillo fruits green solanum betaceum

What Happens When You Pick Tamarillos Early? Can They Ripen?

Tamarillos, sometimes called “tree tomatoes,” bring a pop of bold flavor to any dish. But timing matters with tamarillos, and picking them too early can lead to an entirely different taste and texture experience.  If you’ve ever found yourself staring at a tree of not-quite-ripe tamarillos and wondered if it’s worth picking them early—or if…

fresh green tomatillos with a husk

Is It Safe to Eat Green Tamarillo? The Truth You Need to Know

When it comes to unusual fruits, the tamarillo—a colorful, tangy delight also known as the “tree tomato”—is a real showstopper. With its unique flavor and bright colors, tamarillos are favorites in jams, salsas, and fresh fruit salads. But what about the green ones?  If you’ve spotted green tamarillos on your tree or at the market,…