paving pebble patio in rows

Do Marble Chips Prevent Weeds? Let’s Dig Deep into the Truth

When I first set out to beautify my garden, I quickly learned that maintaining an outdoor space is no walk in the park. Weeds seemed to appear out of nowhere, like uninvited guests crashing a party.  As I racked my brain for solutions, the thought of using mulch crossed my mind. I stumbled upon marble…

fence panel placed in a yard

What Kind of Wood Can You Use for Fence Posts? (With Pros and Cons)

When it comes to fencing, wooden posts reign supreme in my book. Their charm suits many architectural styles. They add a warm, organic touch to any property.  I’ve explored different woods for fence posts. Each type has its own traits and benefits.  In this post, I’m excited to share everything I’ve learned about choosing the…

Hydrangea Purple

Climbing Hydrangea Care: Tips from a Gardener Who Loves Vertical Blooms

If I had to pick a favorite plant for my garden’s vertical spaces, it would be the climbing hydrangea—no contest! These beauties are the wallflowers of the plant world in the best way possible. They cling to walls, trellises, or fences. When they bloom, they create a breathtaking white floral display that can elevate any…

coconut coir in farmland

Is Coconut a Good Mulch? My Gardening Experience with Coconut Coir Mulch

Mulching has always been one of those tasks I didn’t realize could make such a big difference in my garden until I really dove into it. If you’re like me, always hunting for eco-friendly, low-maintenance solutions, coconut coir mulch might be the hidden gem you didn’t know you needed.  I’ve experimented with different types of…

container drainage liners flowers

Best Materials for Lining Containers to Retain Moisture: A Gardener’s Guide

When it comes to container gardening, one thing I’ve learned the hard way is that keeping your plants hydrated can feel like a constant battle. Whether the sun’s baking your pots or the wind’s drying them out faster than you can water, it often feels like you’re pouring more effort into your containers than water!…

spraying crops garden

How Can I Stop Using Pesticides without Harming My Garden?

Let me tell you, I used to think of my garden as a battlefront. Armed with sprays and pesticides, I felt like a soldier defending my plants from the enemy—those pesky pests. But over time, I started to realize that this approach came with a heavy price.  My plants weren’t thriving like they should, and…

venus fly trap

Best Natural Predators for Container Gardens: A Balanced Approach to Pest Control

If you’ve ever walked out to your container garden and found holes in your leaves or pests crawling around like they own the place, I feel your pain. We put a lot of love and effort into our gardens, and when those uninvited guests show up, it feels like all that work could go down…

Pond Pump vs Waterfall Pump: Understanding the Key Differences

There’s something magical about the soothing sound of running water, whether it’s a gentle pond bubbling along or a majestic waterfall cascading over rocks. But when it comes to keeping those waters flowing smoothly, the right pump makes all the difference. Choosing between a pond pump and a waterfall pump isn’t just a matter of…

adult metallic green and red brown flower chafer beetles

Common Container Garden Pests (and How to Get Rid of Them)

I’ve learned one thing through my years of container gardening: You’re not the only one who wants to enjoy your plants. If you’ve got a container garden, it’s only a matter of time before pests start treating it like their all-you-can-eat buffet.  At first, I thought my plants just had a “bad day,” but no,…