lichens on Fruit Trees

How I Learned to Tackle Lichen on Fruit Trees (And How You Can Too)

If you’ve ever strolled through your orchard, relishing the sight of budding fruit trees, only to notice patches of greenish fuzz clinging stubbornly to the bark, you’re not alone. I still remember the first time I saw lichen creeping across the surface of my beloved apple trees.  At first, I brushed it off as part…

spotted lanternfly lays eggs on tree

How I Keep Bugs Off My Fruit Trees: A Personal Guide

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from years of gardening, it’s this: growing fruit trees is equal parts patience, passion, and persistence. You nurture those trees from the ground up, waiting for the first signs of blossoms, then fruit, only to find that bugs have already RSVP’d to the feast.  It’s almost like they have…

adult metallic green and red brown flower chafer beetles

Common Container Garden Pests (and How to Get Rid of Them)

I’ve learned one thing through my years of container gardening: You’re not the only one who wants to enjoy your plants. If you’ve got a container garden, it’s only a matter of time before pests start treating it like their all-you-can-eat buffet.  At first, I thought my plants just had a “bad day,” but no,…